the metapolis dictionary of advanced architecture english edition

the metapolis dictionary of advanced architecture english edition

B. inggris Complete the text with the verbs in the past simple

Last month we 1 ....... (do) a wildlife project at school. Our teacher 2 ........(give) us a lot of information about animals and plants in our area. We also 3 .....(find) useful websites on the Internet. My favourite part 4 .......(be) a trip to a local forest. We......(meet) at midnight and 6 5 ......... (make) a video of the animals. It was amazing. The next day 17 and 8 .....(take) photos ....... (write) notes about local plants that are in danger. 19 ....... (learn) a lot and I 10 ....... (have) a good time, too. More fun than learning in the classroom​

Complete the text with the verbs in the past simple

Last month we 1 ....... (do) a wildlife project at school. Our teacher 2 ........(give) us a lot of information about animals and plants in our area. We also 3 .....(find) useful websites on the Internet. My favourite part 4 .......(be) a trip to a local forest. We......(meet) at midnight and 6 5 ......... (make) a video of the animals. It was amazing. The next day 17 and 8 .....(take) photos ....... (write) notes about local plants that are in danger. 19 ....... (learn) a lot and I 10 ....... (have) a good time, too. More fun than learning in the classroom​


1. did

2. gave

3. found

4. was

5. met

6. made

7. took

8. wrote

9. learned

10. had

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